Join us, as we help Document The Grand Solar Minimum!
Climate Change News, Information & Commentary
Join us, as we help Document The Grand Solar Minimum!
Climate Change News, Information & Commentary
More News From Rapid Cooling Ladies and Gentlemen. I am once again getting ready to start working on this Blog and begin updating much of the DATA which has falling behind. Unfortunately, life, personal issues, having to pay bills and a Couple of Minor Health concerns have stood in the way of my little project. I am hoping that in the near future I will be able to fully devote all of my time to Rapid Cooling. This Blog and Website is devoted to opposing the idea that CO2 is the Main Driver of Climate; that the IPCC and others like Al Gore, James Hansen, Michael E. Mann as well as Activists like Greta Thunberg claim that CO2 is a pollutant and should be feared, sequestered and controlled. In the meantime I going to first work on a few Aesthetics on the home page where future articles will be placed. I will also be dropping all COVID information since it really does not apply to whether or not the Planet is Warming or Cooling for reason or another. Yes, since it is my Blog I get to choose what information appears here on Rapid Cooling. In fact, to make my life easier I will just stick to Climate and related issues. Yes, some articles on sub pages related to COVID-19 will remain. However, the sections dedicated to COVID will be gone in the near future. Finally, some articles may be updated to reflect new information. Articles with updates will be noted and cited. Not all articles of course. Just ones which I believe may be of interest on an ongoing basis. That's it for now!
November 23, 2020 Lead Article, Date; November 19, 2020 Website; Lead Author/Credit; Ray Langella On the look-out: A Polish great tit. Image: By hedera.baltica from Wrocław, Poland, via Wikimedia Commons Please Treat me to a Cup of Coffee -$5, $10 or whatever you can do. This way I can keep sharing articles, data, information and science regarding Real, Sun Driven Climate Change! Thanks in advance!
Ladies and Gentlemen! I have some very sad news for you. But Great Tits are in danger! According to the Climate News Network: "Among the best loved and most frequent visitors to gardens in the UK and elsewhere, great tits face mounting problems." This my friends is a problem I can handle! If you would like me to "Firmly" take control and "Handle" this situation Please Treat me to a Cup of Coffee -$5, $10 or whatever you can do. I will do whatever I can to stare this problem down. Thanks in advance! Whether I am directly behind this problem or face first I am going to look into it a lot closer! Please Note; While the article linked below is real! One would hope that the People at the Climate News Network who are in fact a bunch of Left Wing Activists might possibly think to come up with a better Headline! Don't kill the messenger! Read More: Warming puts surviving great tits in jeopardy See how this natural phenomenon in the Equatorial Pacific could influence weather to come September 12, 2020 Lead Article, Date; September 10, 2020 Website; Lead Author/Credit; Unknown; US Government, NOAA Forward; Ray Langella, Typical Wintertime La Nina Pattern. Credit; NOAA Please Treat me to a Cup of Coffee -$5, $10 or whatever you can do. This way I can keep sharing articles, data, information and science regarding Real, Sun Driven Climate Change! Thanks in advance!
The NOAA Climate Prediction Center has issued an advisory that "there is a 75% chance that La Nina will be in place from December 2020 through February 2021." This may mean that my friends up north may be sending daggers my way here in Florida. But then again they may even decide to come pay me a rare visit while I experience a warmer and drier winter! In any event as with all climate and weather predictions nothing is set in stone. We will just have to wait and see! Read More: "La Nina develops during peak hurricane season" Related Articles; "La Niña is here. That’s bad news for hurricane season and wildfires" (source: Tampa Bay Times; "La Niña here to shake up an already hyperactive hurricane season" (source: The Palm Beach Post; February 29, 2020 Lead Article Date; October 21, 2018 Website; Geology Lead Author/Credit; Unknown/This article has been reprinted on various Blogs and Web Sites Forward; Ray Langella Thylacoleo carnifex was smaller than an African lioness, but with 80 per cent as powerful a bite as a large African lion. Credit: Peter Schouten Those who use and understand the meaning behind the Phrase, Climate Change also understand that Climate Change has occurred in the past, is ongoing and will continue as long as Earth has an Atmosphere which can sustain a Climate. The article "Climate Change the likely killer of Australian Marsupial Lion" acknowledges the idea that Climate Change once led to the demise of this Predator from Down Under. Yes, our Climate is changing as it has in the past and will continue to do so in the future. The question remains is how much of it related to man and not Natural Variation over Millennia and of course as little as Decades, Hundreds of years or even Millions of years. However, when the Climate Changes there are going to be winners and losers. What remains to be seen is who or what will survive or fail and possibly go by the way of the Australian Marsupial Lion.
February 26, 2020 Lead Article Date; February 25, 2020 Website; Principia Scientific Lead Article; Public Unaware of Wind And Solar’s True Costs Author/Credit; Francis Menton Forward; Ray Langella The General Public for some odd reason cannot comprehend that in order to produce the necessary energy to power a society through Wind and Solar, the Wind needs to blow and the Sun has to shine. Unfortunately, that is not always the case which is exactly why these type of energy producing systems need to use fossil fuel in order to back up their inefficiencies. Having said that, I actually like Wind and Solar in certain circumstances where it may have a positive impact and lessen the burden on the Grid or even your own personal electric bill. In fact if I ever own a house in a very Rural Area which is my intention someday, I would love to use Solar in certain places but not to power everything I own. Be that as it may, powering cities, town and villages is not yet doable. Not too mention the site of both Wind and Solar fields which for obvious reasons destroy not only the beauty of the ecosystem but also disrupt it. Yes, wherever, Man leaves his footprint, something in Nature will be displaced. It is one thing for people to live together in a city setting etc but in the case of Solar Fields and Wind Farms there is much to be said. However, the article here is talking more about the overall cost of Wind and Solar. In fact, The Author, Francis Menton, asks and answers the question; """Wouldn’t you think they would provide some straight information on this subject? Wrong. In fact, pretty much everyone gets taken in. """You can get the whole picture also check out some of the fine points he makes by clicking the link below.
Public Unaware of Wind And Solar’s True Costs January 22, 2020 Lead Article Date; January 16, 2020, Updated January, 17, 2020 Website; The Telegram Author/Credit; The Telegram Forward; Ray Langella The First thing you might currently notice if you click the link below to the article is the following; "We're currently experiencing service disruptions throughout Newfoundland due to inclement weather, but expect things to be resolved by January 22nd, 6:00PM. Thanks for your patience." (Should Clear up by 6PM Wednesday January 22, 2020) Imagine so much snow the news can't get through! Well, that about tells you what some of our friends to the North in Canada are going through. Makes you wonder how all those Solar Panels covered in 30 Plus inches of Snow are doing? But I digress! In any event there are several related articles with some really great Video, Pictures and Interactive Media atached for your enjoyment! Lead Article; Snowmageddon 2020: Blizzard slams Eastern Newfoundland Today's Telegram available at select stores; home delivery continues to be suspended "In photos: Eastern Newfoundland digs out from record-breaking snowstorm" "State of emergency declared in St. John's region; raging blizzard brings eastern Newfoundland to a stand still." January 21, 2020 Article Date; January 21, 2020 Website; Deseret News Author/Credit; Herb Scribner Forward; Ray Langella So much for the Sunshine State. Water Parks are closing not because of the lack of Tourists but because baby it's cold outside! Even Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park is shutting down. Ironic you might say. In fact Frigid Temperatures are not just affecting Central and North Florida as well as Jacksonville which will also get to about 32F*; but Miami-Dade, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach County all have Wind Chill Warnings in affect. The National Weather Service has even posted a warning that you might see Iguanas fall out of trees! Just check out the links below to articles with all of the above information and more. Articles include Video, Pictures and Twitter posts.
It’s so cold in Florida that Walt Disney World and other parks are closing It’s so cold in Florida that the weather service is warning of falling frozen iguanas Water Parks in Florida Close As NWS Issues Freezing Temperature Warnings for Sunshine State January 10, 2020 Forward by, Ray Langella, Rapid Credit(s) ; Physics World, from the article; Biomass energy: green or dirty? Biomass energy: green or dirty (Physics World; January 08, 2020) Kate Ravilios
Before you jump into the article linked here I need to point something out right off the bat of concern. That switching over to renewable or alternative forms of energy which in theory sounds great is not as easy as many of those in fear of Anthropogenic Global Warming would lead you to believe. I for one believe that wind Solar and maybe Biomass may have it's place in some very small applications. But, absolutely and I do mean absolutely in no way do believe they should currently be substitute for fossil fuels at this time. Just for starters here is what I think is one of the key quotes and takeaways from the article; "Because the combustion and processing efficiencies for wood are less than coal, the immediate impact of substituting wood for coal is an increase in atmospheric CO2 relative to coal,” John Sterman explains. “This means that every megawatt-hour of electricity generated from wood produces more CO2 than if the power station had remained coal-fired" Basically, this statement may also to bring to mind many of the other deficiencies that Windmills, Solar Energy and of course as you will see Biomass Energy seems to possess. While there are many problems associated with these forms of Alternative the article written by Kate Ravilios in its entirety is both Fair and Balanced and is a great read. One thing that concerns me is when will we run out of waste material that we can use for Biomass Energy and have to cut down the Forrest to keep up with demand with wood pellets? Author, Unknown,, June 03, 2019 Kudos, Diamond Oppenheimer Ranch Project See Related Articles Forward, Ray Langella An overcast sky is reflected in water standing over and between the rows of a muddy field. Photo: Bonnie Coblentz, Mississippi State University What Grand Solar Minimums are made of. Longer Winters, shorter Growing Seasons, Excessive Rain and Melting Snow Packs delaying planting. You! Yes you, will be paying higher prices at the Grocery Store. It's not because of CO2. You and mankind are not responsible. But a Solar Driven Climate is what makes things tick. By the way. Have, I mentioned we are descending into A Grand Solar Minimum. This GSM could very well hit us like the Maunder Minimum did from 1645-1715. If it's worse, the world will be in for a rude awakening. We will be praying for some Global Warming. In fact, the following articles regarding planting issues will seem like a walk in the park as compared to what we are in for.
Read the full article here. "Which States have the most Corn left to plant" Related Articles; Oppenheimer Ranch Project Arkansas Field Reports: "Weather Woes Persist" "Weather might delay some spring planting" "Snow Delays Planting in Washington" White Out: "Snow and Cold Delay Planting" Mark Torregrossa;, June 07, 2019 Kudos, Diamond, from the Oppenheimer Ranch Project Editors Note; There will be a number of related articles attached. Forward, Ray Langella Winter total snowfall 2018-2019 (graphic produced by National Weather Service - Gaylord) The Winter of 2018-2019 has been one for the record books. Snow records were broken all over the globe. This, by the way is the second year in a row in which the Northern Hemisphere has broken the snow mass accumulation record. (see below) The main article also goes on to talk about snow accumulations from the Gaylord Michigan Weather Forecast Office (NOAA) There are winners and losers but you will have to read the article and the other related article below to find out more.
Read the full article here; "Since Snow is done for 5 Months, here are last winter's snow totals" Related Articles; Robert W. Felix, More Summer Snow expected in Montana Diamond, Oppenheimer Ranch Project There is still Snow in Michigan on June 6, 2019 Oppenheimer Ranch Project Video; "Snow Buried Car at California's Mount Shasta Reappears One Year Later" Oppenheimer Ranch Project California Snow pack 202% of average for this time of year Robert W. Felix, "Colorado River Snow pack so massive they've had to redraw the scale used to measure it" Note; at the time of the article the Colorado Snow Pack was 693.91% on June 8, 2019 Oppenheimer Ranch Project June Starts with Hail Oppenheimer Ranch Project Epic Snow Pack Could Lead to Flooding Ray Langella credit, We are quickly heading into winter in the Southern Hemisphere, as we North of the Equator are working our way toward Summer. The beginning of Summer or Summer Solstice is June 22nd. However, if you are living in the Southern Hemisphere June 22nd will turn into Winter. Sounds confusing? Not really. Summer is Winter and Winter is Summer; Spring is Fall and Fall is Spring. I guess It all depends on your point of view. However, now that winter is upon our friends to the south we will have more stories here regarding winter conditions all on Rapid Cooling. Stories below include Video and Photos.
Related Stories; Kudos, Diamond, Oppenheimer Ranch Project: Huge Snow Storm Hits Australia with 2019 Start Days Away Kudos, Diamond, Oppenheimer Ranch Project: Wintry blast brings wind, rain and snow to Australia’s southeast Alexandra Toutant; mtlblog, June 04, 2019
Kudos, Diamond Oppenheimer Ranch Project Forward, Ray Langella Canadians are also being told to expect a cooler than normal June. This is not exactly going as planned for Al Gore and his Alarmist Friends. Read the full article here; Montreal Just Officially Broke An All-Time Cold Weather Record Web Staff; Fox 31 Denver, May 27, 2019 Kudos, Diamond Oppenheimer Ranch Project Forward, Ray Langella Video Fox 31, Denver Late May, early June and it's still snowing. Ski Resorts still going strong in some places. No sign of AGW, Man Made Global Warming and Al Gore is MIA.
Check out the Video; 'May-uary' means snow keeps falling at Arapaho Basin Related Article(s) Snow closes Beartooth Pass at Lower Gate Weird winter weather? Record snowfall keeps Mammoth open until August; ocean-lovers get chill with water temps in mid-50s |
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