<![CDATA[Rapidcooling.net - Science & Data]]>Mon, 31 Mar 2025 17:10:36 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[From the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Global Cryosphere Watch]]>Sat, 09 Apr 2022 04:00:00 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/from-the-finnish-meteorological-institute-and-global-cryosphere-watchSource; Global Cryosphere Watch
Observation Date; March 09, 2024 - Update March 11, 2024 - Next Update, Approx., March 25

Post by; Ray Langella
Source: Global Cryosphere Watch. The GCW/FMI SWE Tracker is a product of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), based on GlobSnow snow water equivalent (SWE). It was developed as part of the GCW Snow Watch project. It illustrates the current Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent relative to the long-term mean and variability. NOTE: The SWE retrievals can be unreliable in summer between approximately late May and early October. Therefore, the plots might not be updated during that period.
For more information, historical data and analysis please click the following link. https://rapidcooling.net/gcw-snow-watch-project.html

From The Global Cryosphere Watch; The GCW/FMI SWE Tracker is a product of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), based on GlobSnow snow water equivalent (SWE). It was developed as part of the GCW Snow Watch project. It illustrates the current Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent relative to the long-term mean and variability. NOTE: The SWE retrievals can be unreliable in summer between approximately late May and early October. Therefore, the plots might not be updated during that period.
<![CDATA[From Dr. Roy Spencer of The University Of Alabama Huntsville]]>Fri, 08 Apr 2022 04:00:00 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/from-dr-roy-spencer-of-the-university-of-alabama-huntsvillePicture

Source: Dr. Roy Spencer; www.drroyspencer.com UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2022: +0.15 deg. C
According to Dr. Roy Spencer's web site "The Version 6.0 global average lower Tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for March, 2022 was +0.15 deg. C, slightly up from the February, 2022 value of +0.00 deg. C" (UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2022: +0.15 deg. C)  At some point in the near future I will be adding my own analysis regarding the overall upward trend since 1979 and where I think it will be going beginning later this decade.

For more information and an historical DATA Record of this graph I have created a separate page here: https://rapidcooling.net/uah-data.html
<![CDATA[From The Danish Meteorological Center; Latest Sea Ice Thickness]]>Thu, 07 Apr 2022 04:00:00 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/from-the-danish-meteorological-center-latest-sea-ice-thickness
Source: Danish Meteorological Institute; Modeled sea-ice thickness and volume. The large map shows the sea-ice thickness, while the small figure shows the curves of sea-ice volume in recent years. The gray area around the mean (2004-2013) corresponds to plus/minus 1 standard deviation.
 Please Treat me to a Cup of Coffee -$5, $10 or whatever you can do. This way I can keep sharing articles, data, information and science regarding Real, Sun Driven Climate Change! Thanks in advance!

This data set will be updated around the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of each month. The Bottom Map will always be from the corresponding Date in 2004. This is as far back as I am able to attain Maps and Graphs from the DMI and The Polar Portal. The Middle Map will be the approximate half way point between the current Date and the corresponding Date in 2004.

The grey band around the climatologic mean value corresponds to plus/minus one standard deviation based on the 10-year average 2004-2013. (Source; Polar Portal, Sea Ice Thickness and Volume)

Using these maps one can make many conclusions based on Sea Ice Thickness and Volume over time. Current DATA from The DMI In an up coming article I will be examining past and recent predictions, reality and exactly why Ice Thickness, Thins and how Volume changes over time.

If you would like to use the interactive time step at the DMI website here is the link just below. From there you can pick any day or year from 2011 until present day. You may also type in a Date. Please keep in mind that the Month and Day are reversed.


<![CDATA[Recent Monthly Mean CO2 at Mauna Loa]]>Mon, 30 Nov 2020 05:00:00 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/recent-monthly-mean-co2-at-mauna-loa
Updated, November 30, 2020
This is the most recent graph which shows the monthly mean carbon dioxide levels as measured at The Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. The Graph is updated monthly by NOAA. The Graph will also be updated here at www.rapidcooling.net accordingly. Data is reported as a "Dry Air Mole Fraction," The Mole Fraction is expressed as Parts Per Million and is also measured at Barrow, Alaska, American Samoa and the South Pole. The Monthly Average of CO2 in the Dry Atmosphere for October 2020 was 411.28 PPM.

Credit NOAA: ""Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) is located on the north flank of Mauna Loa Volcano, on the Big Island of Hawaii, at an elevation of 3397 meters, or 11,135 feet above sea level. The observatory is a premier atmospheric research facility that has been continuously monitoring and collecting data related to atmospheric change since the 1950's.

Recent Analysis by Rapid Cooling:

The CO2 value as of January 31, 2020 was 413.39 PPM. CO2 increased in value thru May of 2020 where is reach a new High Watermark of 417.07 PPM. Between May of 2020 and October, 2020, CO2 declined by 5.79 PPM. October finished with a CO2 Value of 411.28 PPM.

The CO2 value as of January 31, 2019 was 410.83 PPM. CO2 increased in value thru May of 2019 where is reach a new High Watermark of 414.64 PPM. Between May of 2019 and October, 2019, CO2 declined by 5.79 PPM. October 2019 finished with a CO2 Value of 408.52. CO2 increased in Value thru the end of December with a final value of 411.76 PPM.

For more Data follow the following Link ESRL's Earth System Research Laboratories, Global Monitoring Laboratory, NOAA From there you can obtain, "The complete Mauna Loa CO2 records" from 1958. to Present.

NOAA; Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network

<![CDATA[Latest CIMP6 Data; Suggests You Start Prepping as we enter "An Extended Period of Solar Decline.]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:56:29 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/latest-cimp6-data-suggests-you-start-prepping-as-we-enter-an-extended-period-of-solar-decline Picture
Please Treat me to a Cup of Coffee -$5, $10 or whatever you can do. This way I can keep sharing articles, data, information and science regarding Real, Sun Driven Climate Change! Thanks in advance!

<![CDATA[The Surface Mass Balance Of Greenland's Ice Sheet is now in the Positive.]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:51:17 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/the-surface-mass-balance-of-greenlands-ice-sheet-is-now-in-the-positive]]><![CDATA[Latest International Sunspot Numbers]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2019 18:47:10 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/latest-international-sunspot-numbers]]><![CDATA[Recent Global CO2 Trend]]>Wed, 27 Mar 2019 05:31:21 GMThttp://rapidcooling.net/science--data/recent-global-co2-trend
The figure shows daily averaged CO2 from four GMD Baseline observatories; Barrow, Alaska (in blue), Mauna Loa, Hawaii (in red), American Samoa (in green), and South Pole, Antarctica (in yellow). The thick black line represents the average of the smoothed, de-seasonalized curves for each of the records. This trend line is a very good estimate of the global average levels of CO2. Details about how the trend is calculated from the daily data is available here.

Source; NOAA;  Recent Global CO2 Trend